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Until victory - Trailer

Until victory - Trailer

italienisch mit dt.UT


2 min

| 2017 |

hits: 1253

A film about the struggle at AlcarUno, a subcontractor of the well-known and well-established Italian company Levoni in the Modena region. In November 2016, 55 workers were dismissed. They had complained about incorrect payrolls and unpaid social security contributions. 28 of them are organized with SI Cobas. They fight for their re-employment, block the gates and are chased by the police with batons and tear gas.

A new video sums up the events at AlcarUno. This is a trailer.

The film has been shown in full lenght on 22 May, 2017 at 7 p.m. at Moviemento Kino, Berlin. We presented the film within our screening series Cinéma Klassenkampf, and the filmmaker and activists of the SI Cobas union were present.

This video is part of a compilation on this topic:

team: SI Cobas

Tags: SI Cobas


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