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Protest against firings at Gorillas
Protest against firings at Gorillas
|6 min
| 2021 |hits: 341
Tags: BRD
Tags: dienstleistungen
On October 6zh, 2021, Gorillas riders protested against firings in Berlin.
Datum: 8. Oct. 2021
On October 6th, 2021, Gorillas riders, supporters and a lot of press gathered in front of the delivery company's headquarters in Berlin.
In the days before, drivers from different warehouses had gone on strike to protest against their poor working conditions. Instead of starting a dialogue, the company's reaction was to fire employees involved in the strikes.
In a loud gathering, the riders protested against the firings and their persistently poor working conditions. They addressed their critique directly to Gorilla's CEO Kağan Sümer.
team: / Carla Hartmann / Linus Agriculteur