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Strike of hospital workers in Neuquén/Argentina

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Strike of hospital workers in Neuquén/Argentina

cast. with engl. subs


4 min

| 2021 |

hits: 185

“We work in conditions of overwork and overtiredness. We’ve had to maintain daily operations, with a lack of materials and rudimentary equipment.” (from the video)

Since 2 March 2021, the health workers are on strike in the province of Neuquén in Patagonia, Argentina. The workers, who are fighting the pandemic on the front lines didn't receive a pay raise during all of 2020 - while the inflation rate was at 30%! Accordingly, they refused the 12% pay raise. When the ATE public sector union ignored that rejection, the workers went on a self-organised strike. They set up a strike fund and hold open meetings at the hospital entrances. After being ignored, the movement has escalated their tactics by using roadblocks to obstruct the province’s oil and gas production. The blockades are actively supported by the local population The workers are organised in an assembly connecting several hospitals.

This interview is about the personnel of Centenario Hospital in the province's eponymous capital Neuquén. Especially women fight at the sharp end against worsening working conditions and try to compensate for child care that collapsed during the pandemic. Instead of supporting them, the province government announced austerity measures. Governor Gutiérrez's offer from April 14 to pay a bonus of 30,000 Pesos (270 Euros) was rejected by the workers.

Students conducted interviews with the striking workers: "Arm in arm and together with their companions they withstand the threats of police and violent thugs and their voices resound in the megaphones with a force that infects everybody around", the students write.

Summarising article by AngryWorkers: Learning from health workers in Argentina. On the current rebellion in Neuquén


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