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Consequences of Privatization
Consequences of Privatization
|3 min
| 2008 |hits: 360
Tiecoura Traoré of the Civic Association for the Return and Sustainable Development of the Rail (COCIDIRail) - What are the consequences of privatization for the population?
Interview with Tiecoura Traoré, COCIDIRail -
COCIDIRail (Civic Association for the Return and Sustainable Development of the Rail) is a civic movement fighting for the reversal of the privatization of the Malian railway. The Mali Bamako line was privatised in 2001. Since then, the population is increasingly deprived of their main means of transportation, since the private investor is only interested in freight traffic, and more and more stations are closed. Dr. Tiecoura Traoré explains the consequences of this privatization for the population.
team: Wolfgang Niederhoffer/Willi Hajek/Bärbel Schönafinger