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Become a supporter! is an internet platform for films on labour movement struggles. We collect them and make them available for free, online and for presentations and meetings. So far, our archive holds 1000 films from 58 different countries. Every year about 50 new ones are added. Gradually we are becoming a historical pictorial chronicle of the class struggles in different countries. is a political project that should endure. The foundation Menschenwürde und Kommunikation in der Arbeitswelt financed the formation and activities of over the first few years. Now we need to finance this activity through supporting members. Our monthly budget is 5,000 euros for editing and administration, film production, rent for the office and servers, subtitling, website maintenance, communication and graphics, printing and technics.
Regardless whether you support us with five, ten, or fifty euros a month: Assist us in making the daily resistance of people and their power to change the world visible.
Join in!
We would also like to get to know you in person: once a year we invite all supporting members to an event where we watch selected films together and discuss them with the protagonists.
If you can, please help us with a recurring donation. You can terminate your recurring donations by sending an E-Mail to: is a project of the non-profit association Content - Verein zur Förderung alternativer Medien e.V. (Content - Association for the Promotion of Alternative Media). We are therefore able to issue donation receipts for tax deductions - but this works only for Germany.
Bank details:
Content - Verein zur Förderung alternativer Medien e.V.
Reason for transfer: labournetTV
IBAN: DE82100100100006814102
Content - Verein zur Förderung alternativer Medien e.V.
Registration number of the association (Vereinsregisternummer): VR26045 B
Tax number (St.Nr.): 27/662/55057
Board: K. Flechtner, T. Hering