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After Fukushima - joint mobilization of students and workers
After Fukushima - joint mobilization of students and workers
English / German
|14 min
| 2011 |hits: 697
Tags: Energie und Bergbau
Tags: Japan
2011 - Interview with Japanese unionists and a delegate of the student's movement in Berlin.
Berlin, August 17, 2011 - Interview with Japanese unionists and a delegate of the student's movement, Zengakuren. The three of them are on a visit to Germany to learn from the German anti-nuclear movement and to get in touch with German unionists. After a visit to Gorleben (a town with a nuclear waste depot and a long tradition of protests against it), they get together with activists working for the Berlin S-Bahn (city train company) for a discussion.
team: zen/andrea gatzke