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Halfway around the world

Halfway around the world

English with german subs


60 min

| 2014 |

hits: 1913

A film about Philippine women who have worked in Hong Kong, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Taiwan, Brunei or Namibia, mainly as textile workers.

Their most recent experience of work abroad was in Sibiu, Romania, in 2008. The Romanian textile factories were suffering from a labor shortage, as many locals had left in search of higher wages in other European countries. Several factories decided to hire seamstresses from Asia, for whom Europe seemed to offer a great chance. However, after their arrival in Romania, things quickly went wrong, and they soon found themselves in front of a difficult choice: to stay or to leave.


team: Antje Grez (Script/Direction/Edition) Simone Halm (Script) Sebastian Sinterhauf (Camera)

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