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Food delivery workers protest in Berlin

Food delivery workers protest in Berlin



5 min

| 2021 |

hits: 330

“Contracts are only a year long, temporary, the probation period is six months, and anyone who criticises the company gets fired” (from the video)

On Friday 13th August, as part of the german action day , food delivery riders from delivery companies including Lieferando, Wolt and Gorillas came together to protest against union busting and precarious working conditions. Together they marched to the offices of each company to make their voices heard and to prove that they will not be intimidated by management.  

Delivery riders across companies face precarious contracts, repression and firing for their union activities. Riders at Wolt are facing pay cuts, and riders from all companies reported not having recieved sick pay, or having their wages completely witheld. 

In response they have been developing different organising strate,gies, through online chats, offline meetups, works council elections, blockades and protests. Most recently on September 20th Gorillas riders took the company to court to contest the legality of continuously hiring new employees on 1 year temporary contracts.

We interviewed a few food delivery riders on Friday 13th to ask why they were protesting


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