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00:13:05 2,600 murdered after oil was found in Casanare:
Casanare- Exhuming the genocide

00:29:40 "to learn from the struggles of the past and  go one step further":
Angry Workers: Insurrection and Production

00:30:10 "In Argentinia 2001...":
Argentinien, März 2002

00:30:34 "Arab Spring":
The people demand the overthrow of the regime

00:31:20 Uprising in Chile 2018/19:
Sentido (en) común

00:31:29 Uprisings in France:
Accepting to be a drop you become ocean

00:35:53 "As workers we are forced to dig our own graves":
Salvage Collective: The Tragedy of the Worker

00:40:00 "I did not go back to my workplace anymore":
Bullshit Jobs (David Graeber)

00:41:34 "This is radio Plantón":
Un poquito de tanta verdad

00:41:36 " einer Nachricht von der ersten Delegiertenkonferenz in Berlin"
Was ist Arbeitszeitrechnung?

00:42:41 "talk about your problems in the assembly":
Sentido (en) Común

00:43:30 "neighborhood assemblies formed everywhere"
Huligladni (Trailer) Huligladni (Film) und 2nd assembly of the citizens of Tuzla

00:44:55 "restore electricty":
The Robin Hoods Of Energy

00:45:50 "necessary to take hold of the banks":
The Paris Commune - Banks and Debt

00:46:20 "many workforces took over their factories"
Ait To Breathe - 40 Years of Opposition at Opel in Bochum

00:47:47 "But what do we do once the warehouse is empty, which will be soon?"
Angry Workers: Class Power on Zero Hours

00:48:55 "iilegalized farm workers in the south of Europe"
Unter dem Plasik der Strand und Il sangue verde

Going to work strategically:
Who Are The AngryWorkers?
Choosing your work strategically

Books that were important for us during research:

Philippe Bihouix: The Age of Low Tech
Rebecca Solnit: Hope in the Dark
Holly Jane Buck: After Geoengineering
Holly Jane Buck: Ending Fossil Fuels
Andreas Malm: Corona, Climate, Chronic Emergency: War Communism in the Twenty-First Century
Andreas Malm: How To Blow Up A Pipeline
David Whyte: Ecocide
Simon Pirani: Burning Up
Tomas Konicz: Klimakiller Kapital

Andreas Malm is one of the protagonists in The Loud Spring because of his books about climate change. In a recent interview with Verso Books however, he depicted the Hamas terror as legittimate resistance of the palestinian people. You can read our statement about this position here.

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