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News / Editorial: our editorial keeps you informed of our current filming projects. Please tell us about struggles and strikes that need to be documented and need solidarity so that we spread the word. The news section is announcing the next screening events that take place in different cities in Germany (and sometimes abroad) and are open to all for free.
Themes: since 2012, we have been collecting many videos that, taken together, help bring a deeper understanding of a wave of struggles or working conditions in a specific sector. Thanks to this new section, we now have the possibility to gather videos around specific themes, providing some background context, so that videos that, alone, might only provide a limited view on a (wave of) struggle(s), resonate with each other and, together, help us get a deeper sense of all aspects of a struggle or movement.
Video archive: by clicking on “all videos”, you have an unlimited access to our online archive and you can filter it by country, branch and date. The filters are cumulative so that you can combine them. By clicking on the search button on the top right-hand corner, you can also use a full-text seach.
Comments: under each video, and under news, you have the possibility to make comments, whether it is to provide more information about the struggle, point to inaccuracies in the video or its description, suggest other videos on this theme or simply share your opinion.
Download and subtitles buttons: we want to make it as easy as possible to download the videos from the website so that you can share them, or even better, organise screenings and discussions. Thanks to the download button, you can download the video in original quality and the subtitles to it. You can also use our subtitle tool to directly write subtitles online.
We hope you will enjoy these new features!
If you have questions about the new website or for suggestions, please contact us on: info [at] labournet [dot] tv