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and K. turned pale (und K. erbleichte)
and K. turned pale (und K. erbleichte)
|14:06 min
| 2005 |hits: 3856
Tags: erwerbslosenbewegung
Tags: BRD
Edited coverage of a 'high level' discussion in November 2004, in memory of the beginning of the Hartz-IV-madness.
Edited coverage of a 'high level' discussion in November 2004, in memory of the beginning of the Hartz-IV-madness.
Participants: Franz Müntefering (at that time SPD-party leader), the prime minister of Thüringen Dieter Althaus (CDU), a representative of the German business class and Paul Nolte (history professor).
A spooky snapshot that reveals outlines of how far "we" want to go to make Germany "fit for the future".
team: tania/zen