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Workers and people from around here & their friends (Ouvriers Gens d'ici et leurs Amis)

Workers and people from around here & their friends (Ouvriers Gens d'ici et leurs Amis)



50 min

| 2006 |

hits: 379

Interviews with illegalized workers in Toulouse. They talk about their working conditions, their fear of deportation and how they find the strength to fight for their rights.

The director Pierre Prouvèze has met 'illegal' workers who tried to self-organise between 2006 and 2009. They used the name "Ouvriers Gens d'Ici et leurs Amis" to organize several demonstrations and actions to defend the rights of 'illegal' workers. Pierre Prouvèze made three films about their struggle. This is the first one.

team: Pierre Prouvèze


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