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Dockers strike in Hong Kong

Dockers strike in Hong Kong

chinese with engl. subt.


9 min




Transport und Logistik

2013 |

hits: 650

April 22nd, 2013, Hong Kong - Workers at the Kwai Tsing container port terminal have been on strike for 3 weeks. Workers are demanding 15% higher wages. Wages have not increased in the last 10 years, while inflation is currently running at 4%. At the moment, a docker earns about 1300-2000 HK dollars a month (£100-£165). Management refuses to enter into negotiations because the workers are employed by subcontracted companies.

At the same time as the strike in Hong Kong, a strike by dockers is taking place in Vancouver/Eashington.

The strike ended on May 7th with a 9.8% wage increase.

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