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Metalworkers mass strike in Cadiz, Spain
Metalworkers mass strike in Cadiz, Spain
|2 min
| 2021 |hits: 159
On November 16th at least 22,000 metal workers in Cadiz started a strike for better wages and conditions.
November 16th at least 22,000 metal workers in Cadiz started a strike for better wages and conditions. Workers set up pickets and barricades to defend themselves from police attacks. The movement is led by young workers from the auxiliary plants, but also involves workers from shipbuilding and airbus factories. Thousands took to the streets shouting "somos obreros, no delincuentes" (we are workers - not criminals).
"There have been increases in the price of gas, electricity, fuel, cuts in health and education. We always talk about nobody going out to fight. Now that the workers are going all out, we only ask for support" said one metal worker who was part of the strike.
On November 24, 2021, union bureaucracies reached an agreement with the Federation of Metal Companies of Cádiz (FEMCA) and the strike was called off:
"Neither of the strike’s main demands have been met. Firstly, according to the Diariode Cádiz, the unions have “agreed to the closure of the Airbus plant in Puerto Real.” Secondly, workers had been striking against FEMCA’s proposal for a 0.9 percent wage increase, opposing any loss in purchasing power even as inflation surges to 6 percent. However, far from agreeing to a raise of more than 6 percent, the UGT and CCOO unions agreed with FEMCA a 2 percent wage increase." (