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The rebellious workers in Egypt

The rebellious workers in Egypt



5 min

| 2011 |

hits: 785

Interview with the Egyptian Anarcho-Syndicalist Jano Charbel (March 2011). Workers in Egypt demand independent unions and the introduction of a minimum wage of 1,200 Egyptian Pounds (146 Euros).

Charbel describes the role of the workers in the Egyptian Revolution. "I believe that they are the most pivotal and important force in the revolution. Their strength goes beyond any street protest. They are more sustainable than street protests can ever be."

(Interview with Jano Charbel; see link below:) "Thousands of workers initially supported the January 25th uprising from their factories, they sent letters and messages of solidarity; later they started protesting and camping at Tahrir Square. But it was only around three or four days prior to Mubarak's downfall that they actually went on strike en masse. (...)

If it wasn’t for the labor strikes, Mubarak could have held on to power, not indefinitely, but at least for six months - until the end of his term in office. And then he could have put his son Gamal on the throne, he could have maintained the regime. In this case we would have witnessed massive street protests that were vocal, but which did not accomplish much. So I believe the most pivotal element in the uprising were the labor strikes. (...)

The strike wave starting in December 2006 began to settle down by the end of 2010, labor strikes were still being reported nationwide but the number of strikes and workers’ protests had decreased somewhat. Their resurgence during the uprising - on February 8th 2011 - also involved key sectors of the national economy. Public transport workers went on strike, while thousands of other workers protested and threatened to strike all along the Suez Canal - and this is one of Egypt’s primary sources of income and revenue."


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