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Interview with a Bangladeshi Garment Worker
Interview with a Bangladeshi Garment Worker
Bengali with eng. subs.
|3 min
| 2009 |hits: 2944
Tags: Bangladesh
Tags: Textilindustrie
Interview with a Bangladeshi Garment Worker in Dhaka
In November 2013, employers in Bangladesh agreed to a 77% increase in the minimum wage. This followed violent clashes between tens of thousands of garment workers and the police as well as massive strikes that during 4 days brought the factories to a standstill. - Many workers are not satisfied with the agreement and are still struggling. They point out that some employers have been cutting the money they used to receive for lunch and transport to make up for the wage increase.
We are showing here an interview with a garment worker in Dhaka who tells us about her living and working conditions.