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Seizing the Means of Production: A Spotlight on Vio.Me.
Seizing the Means of Production: A Spotlight on Vio.Me.
|12 min
| 2019 |hits: 1237
A video report about the occupied Vio.Me factory in Thessaloniki, from 2019.
The workers explain how they organize production, talk about their desicion making process and about their products. They aim to be part of an alternative economy from below, since, as they put is, capitalist production does not care for peoples needs:
"The capitalist economy doesn't care for a working economy. It cares for profits", says one of the workers in the video.
The further existence of Vio.Me. is threatened by state-run auctions of the ground on which the factory stands, because of debts the bankrupt Filkram company that the Vio.Me. workers used to work for, had accumulated. Also at the moment the workforce thinks that the state might cut the electricity. They are looking for ways to get big generators. If you can help write to info at
The organic cleaning products produced by Vio.Me are being distributed amongst others by the "Gemein & Nützlich" cooperative based in Berlin:
The cooperative wants to support workers of cooperatives and occupied factories by selling their products. They are looking for house projects, food cooperatives and the like for big orders.
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