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How up-to-date is the communist idea?
How up-to-date is the communist idea?
|114 min
| 2011 |hits: 6205
Tags: klassenkämpfe
Tags: marxismus
("Wie aktuell ist die kommunistische Idee?") Panel discussion on June 4, 2011, in Berlin, Germany, as part of the congress "Marx is muss" (Marx is a must) with Dietmar Dath, Janine Wissler (party "Die Linke"), Slavoj Žižek, and Alex Callinicos. Presentation: Cristina Kaindl.
("Wie aktuell ist die kommunistische Idee?") Panel discussion on June 4, 2011, in Berlin, Germany, as part of the congress "Marx is muss" (Marx is a must) with Dietmar Dath, Janine Wissler (party "Die Linke"), Slavoj Žižek, and Alex Callinicos. Presentation: Cristina Kaindl. We show this interesting discussion in full.
team: bankleer/ralf/zen