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serbian with german subtitles


59 min

| 2010 |

hits: 298

After the illegal privatization of Trudbenik Construction, one of the oldest construction companies in Yugoslavia, the company is being run down by the new owner for the interests of his own construction firm. Workers' flats are supposed to be sold as commercial premises, although the state had handed over the flats to the workers in the 1990s. After they refuse to move out, they are laid-off and harassed by the new owner. They occupy the buildings and fight against the illegal privatization.

For almost one year they keep up their solidarity actions and take care of their families and themselves without any wage or other payments. The state maintains the legitimacy of the privatization, arguing that it does not want to create a precedent. Otherwise it would have to deal with a wave of legal complaints. Instead, the state offers the striking workers an illegal financial compensation.

Demoralized by the struggle that continued for almost a year and intimidated by similar cases in which workers were not rehired and no financial compensation was paid, the striking workers accept the state offer. Until today, most of them are still unemployed.


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