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Las Kellys - the ones who clean
Las Kellys - the ones who clean
spanish with engl. subs.
|1 min
| 2019 |hits: 516
The "Las Kellys' are a group of organised hotel cleaners in cities across Spain
The "Las Kellys', a group of organised hotel cleaners in cities across Spain, have launched a film about their struggle for better conditions in the hotel sector.
More than 200,000 people work as hotel cleaners in Spain, and around 98% of them are women. They clean on average 30 rooms a day, and because they are outsourced have no right to sick pay or to join a union, and lose up to 40% of their pay to intermediary companies.
Las Kellys (short for "the ones who clean" in Spanish) began to organise informally in 2014. Soon afterwards new groups spread to different cities and in 2016 Las Kellys decided to become an official association. They have organised without the support of big union structures, but with willpower and a lot of perseverance, demanding, amongst other things, the right to early retirement and an end to outsourcing.
In this film the director Georgina Cisquella accompanied Las Kellys for two years, following their struggle , how they organise themselves, and how they took their demands to the Congress, Senate and the European Parliament.