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In an alien land (In der Fremde)

In an alien land (In der Fremde)



81 min

| 1967 |

Documentary film on the construction of an animal food silo between Bremen and Osnabrück (Germany). The construction workers work 12 to 14 hours per day.

"Those who take part in the construction but do not live here have only one goal: to earn as much money as possible, to optimally exploit their own labor power. The film shows the work on the animal food silo, in particular, the ways of behaving and domination in this work situation, but also the ruptures and contradictions of domination; the authoritarian spirit, the proximity to infantility, the ritualized hopes, the prejudices against foreigners, women, the pleasures in obscenities; many anecdotes, a lot of swaggering, sad experiences.

Wildenhahn’s film is surely one of his best, and a rare highlight of German documentary films after 1945. It says more than 100 industry films, it is an intensive sociological study, a document of the forms of living and thinking that other sources can hardly reconstruct." (Kommunales Kino Freiburg)

team: Klaus Wildenhahn, Rudolf Körösi


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