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The Oakland Commune
The Oakland Commune
|11 min
| 2012 |hits: 3620
Film about the Occupy Oakland Camp
Film about the Occupy movement in Oakland, CA - The film summarizes the events and describes the movement's political direction. The people in the Occupy camp have a clear position on politicians and local politics. When a letter from the city administration arrives listing all the camp's infringements, this letter is burned during a general assembly raising the cheers of the crowd.
The film describes the participation of homeless people in the Occupy camp: "1,000 people have eaten here each day, and homeless people come because they felt safe here." They have food, tents, and health care.
After the camp on the Oscar Grant Square is evicted, Occupy Oakland calls a general strike on November 2, 2011. On that day, tens of thousands block the port. The square is occupied again and soon after that evicted for the second time. After the second eviction, a different square is occupied, and there is a call for another port blockade. The movement tries "to proceed to the occupation of public spaces and to question the rule of private property."
For January 28, 2012, another "Move In" day is scheduled. The plan is to squat an empty building and convert it into a social centre. In addition, a caravan to Longview, WA, is planned for the support of the port workers there against the port operator EGT.
team: Brandon Jourdan, Marianne Maeckelbergh