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Once we sat in the same boat, the captain lived, the crew was dead
Once we sat in the same boat, the captain lived, the crew was dead
|50 min
| 1982 |1982 -Three-week factory occupation at Videocolor in Ulm/Germany (German title: "Wir saßen einst in einem Boot, der Käptn lebt, die Mannschaft tot")
1982 - Three-week factory occupation at Videocolor in Ulm/Germany
"The Ulm Free Thinkers (Freidenker) and the local metal workers union IG Metall showed this documentary film recently because of the 30th anniversary of the decision to close the television tube plant. The film attracted a lot of interest from people who had joined the demonstrations, and from those who have great respect for the workers in struggle - even though the strikers were not able to prevent the mighty Thomson-Brandt trust to liquidate the plant and destroy 1,700 jobs. (Quoted from Südwestpresse)
team: Günther Hörmann