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Capital and Labor
Capital and Labor
|3:38 min
| 2005 |hits: 3796
People with money they can invest, invest it where they get maximum profit. Therefore, all companies are in a race for the highest profits. In the course of this race they rationalize: wages are lowered, the work gets intensified, people are sacked etc. Those who appropriate the profits get more and more money that way, while the others - including the public budgets - have less and less at hand.
People with money they can invest, invest it where they get maximum profit. Therefore, all companies are in a race for the highest profits. In the course of this race they rationalize: wages are lowered, the work gets intensified, people are sacked etc. Those who appropriate the profits get more and more money that way, while the others - including the public budgets - have less and less at hand.
Part of the film "Des Wahnsinns letzter Schrei" (Last cry of madness; Germany 2005, 60 min.)